Plan for learning Korean language

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Plan for learning Korean language

Plan for learning Korean languageI’ve been planning and organizing my Korean language learning for years now.

When I first started learning Korean I thought I just needed to memorize the words, learn the rules for forming sentences and that would be it.

Then, when I proudly stood in front of Kimchi Man and spat out a sentence in Korean for the first time, and all I got in return was a blank stare, it occurred to me I should have probably spent some time working on my pronunciation as well.

And when I uncertainly carved into paper the first set of straight lines and circles that were supposed to be Korean writing but turned out to look like first attempts of a recovering stroke victim, I realized two things: 1. I need to practice writing Korean a lot, and 2. imitating computer fonts when writing Hangul might not be the best idea ever.

Now that I look back with all this hindsight, I realize just how many resources I collected and how many textbooks and strategies for learning Korean language I’d tried out over the years. I wish I had that knowledge when I first started out. So that it all doesn’t go to waste, I am sharing it all with you.

I made a list that should contain what, where, and how you need to learn to fully grasp Korean language.

I will write a full guide and tips for each of these points and once that’s done I will link to each of them, so look out for new posts during the next few days and weeks.

Korean alphabet Hangul

  • Learn Hangul
    • Really BEFORE you do anything else, learn Hangul. Hangul is Korean alphabet, it has only 24 letters, and it takes just a few days to fully master it. Avoid Romanization at all costs. Best way I can describe it is: If you use Romanization to learn Korean you will sound to Koreans exactly as Koreans sound to us when they read English words written in Hangul. Hwaiting!
  • Practice typing Hangul
  • Practice Korean handwriting
    • This is technically not necessary to be able to clearly communicate. Just learning Hangul and stroke order is enough. However, I felt my handwriting was an insult to people’s eyes. Also, I had real trouble READING Korean people’s handwriting. It was difficult finding precise instructions online so I developed a few of my own strategies. Recently I also got into Korean brush calligraphy. I won’t lie, it’s difficult but you get beautiful results even if you have no idea what you’re doing.

Korean vocabulary

  • Vocabulary
    • Learning vocabulary is obviously one of the main things you need to do when learning a language, but it can get a bit tedious, especially if you’re trying to cram words without really understanding how they fit into sentences. Sometimes it does just come down to hard work and persistence, but there are more fun ways to supplement your learning as well.
      If you’re using Memrise, I have some tips.

Korean grammar

  • Grammar
    • This may be even scarier to some people than learning vocabulary, but you really can’t learn a language well without learning the grammar rules. Luckily, compared to just a few years ago there are really many good resources for learning Korean grammar, some even completely free. Textbooks worked the best for me, and I even got some to review, like Elementary Korean.

Korean pronunciation

  • Pronunciation
    • It is true that you can just pick this up on the go, but adults have difficulty distinguishing sounds in languages other than their native one, so both your pronunciation and listening skills will benefit if you take some structured approach to learning how different sounds are made in Korean and which part of your mouth and lips you need to use.If you are self-learning Korean, a good Korean pronunciation textbook is the best bet to get your pronunciation to a pleasing level.


19 responses to “Plan for learning Korean language”

  1. Anaya Avatar

    Now I can read Hangul but when I try to write it. It looks like a robotic writing
    And about vocabulary I often watch Korean drama that helps me a lot now I’m dealing with grammar problem I’m Asian btw so I don’t think that our grammar would be that different like English Spanish but I need some guidance like any app or site
    I love your blog 😄

  2. axaxax Avatar

    How many years need to learn korean at tutorial?

    1. oegukeen Avatar

      At tutorial? I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.

      But how long it takes to learn Korean language depends on many things: what your native language is, how many other languages you speak, how much time per day you’re willing to spend studying, etc.

      1. lisette Avatar

        Okk let’s say as for my side I can speak 3 languages my native language is Arabic (lebanese) then my second one is English then French so how many years should I learn Korean ? I really like this language but i cant read Hangul its too complicated but i start to learn some words but i cant read Hangul words so how can u help me ? Thanks

  3. arielmaeve Avatar

    I am so eager for your advice on handwriting. Cursive was a big priority of my mother’s when I was in school, and now I must admit that I am grateful and have developed my own love of beautiful handwriting. I have so little clue what my hangul is actually supposed to look like, but it is not attractive to my eye–stiff and uneven. This is an area of learning Korean which does not seem to be touched on much, perhaps because so much is done on the computer. Thank you for filling the gap!

    1. oegukeen Avatar

      Right now I am working on the vocabulary post, and next up I have the handwriting planned :) I’ll do my best to work as fast as possible so you don’t have to wait long

  4. Nyasha Avatar

    Nice advice! Vocabulary and grammar are the hardest for me to learn but your advice is something I’ll take into contact :)

    1. oegukeen Avatar

      I’m doing my best to finish everything as soon as possible, so hopefully vocabulary and grammar resources and tips will be up soon as well.

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