Typing Hangul Part 3 – MoAKey the Android touchscreen Korean keyboard

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Korean keyboard for Android devices Moakey

Korean keyboard for Android devices MoakeyMoakey is a Korean keyboard for touchscreen devices. If you are planning to download Korean keyboard for Android I recommend you try this one out.

It is rather different, and more fun if I may say, than the usual kind of Korean (and Latin) keyboards where you hit the keys as the letters come one after the other.

In the very beginning you may be slow at using it and feel a bit lost, I certainly did, but very soon you will realize you can be much faster with it than with regular input methods.

If nothing else, I suggest you try it out because it will be a unique experience, one only Korean Hangul can provide.

Here is a short, but in-depth video guide I put together for you. Seeing it in action will make things clear really quickly.

MoAKey keyboard uses two unique characteristics of Korean alphabet:

  1. Korean syllables ALWAYS start with a consonant, followed by a vowel
  2. Korean vowels are very uniform and geometric in shape

So, you may be surprised when you first look at the keyboard and realize there are only consonants there, like ㅂ, ㅈ, ㄷ, ㄱ, etc, while vowels like ㅛ,ㅕ,ㅑ,ㅗ,ㅓ, etc. are nowhere to be seen. That is because you type by pressing a finger on the first consonant and then dragging your finger in the direction that the shorter part of the vowel faces. For example, if you want to type 하, you put your finger down on ㅎ and then drag your finger to the right. On the other hand, if you want to type 호, you put your finger down on ㅎ and then drag your finger up.


How-to-write-ha-Korean-touchscreen-keyboard-Moakey How-to-write-ho-Korean-touchscreen-keyboard-Moakey How-to-write-hu-Korean-touchscreen-keyboard-Moakey

As you can see in these examples above, there is an option for a hint to pop out and show you where you need to drag your finger to get each vowel. It will be turned on by default, and I suggest you keep it that way in the beginning.

But since the movements you need to make are quite logical since they follow the geometric shape of Korean vowels, you will get a hang of it really quickly and won’t need the guide for long.

The MoAKey keyboard also comes with Latin QWERTY keyboard option, as well as many different types of Korean input, including the voice input. However, I found the type I talk about in this post (called Moakey or two-hand Moakey in the options) to be most innovative, as well as the fastest for me to use.


Do you think you would be able to use a keyboard like this? Which Korean keyboard do you use on your Android device?



3 responses to “Typing Hangul Part 3 – MoAKey the Android touchscreen Korean keyboard”

  1. jreidy17 Avatar

    Reblogged this on Hanguk Babble and commented:
    This is a cool Korean keyboard for Android phones. If I ever hope to text in Korean quickly someday, I might have to try something like this. So far, I am typing with one thumb … like the old lady who can’t manage new technology …

  2. jreidy17 Avatar

    I am using Swype on my Android Samsung Galaxy Note 3. I really like switching between English and Korean with just a swipe of the spacebar. Perhaps when I get to being able to write all in Korean, this won’t matter as much to me.

    Thanks for the tutorial. I had never seen anything like this. How does it handle vowels like ㅠ with two ‘ticks’ and combined vowels like ㅚ?

    I got the Swype keyboard working fine, so I am a little worried what will happen if I download a second Korean keyboard. However, I think if I give myself time to work up the courage, I will want to try this out. Right now, my brain can’t think in Korean quickly so typing in Korean fast isn’t an issue. Some day, I hope I will be able to type faster than 9 words per minute in Korean. haha

    1. oegukeen Avatar

      MoAKey showes English and Korean keyboard side-by-side in landscape mode, and in vertical mode you just press one key to switch, so it’s not too difficult. I’ll try out the Swype for sure, I’m interested.

      You can see how ㅠ is written in the example of 휴 in the video, starting at 1:51. ㅚ is simply up (for ㅗ) and down (for ㅣ).

      I have multiple keyboards installed for Korean on my Android tablet, as well as English keyboard AND keyboard for my own language and I never had any issues. Android seems to handle it just fine, even though it’s one of the older versions.

      I can’t type Korean sentences at all, but I use keyboard a lot while practicing Korean vocabulary on Memrise.

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