Author: oegukeen

  • Two quick Memrise tips to boost vocabulary learning

    Two quick Memrise tips to boost vocabulary learning

    These are two simple tips I discovered while using Memrise to learn Korean vocabulary, which I think make learning a language with Memrise more effective: Mistype things on purpose. Yes, you read that right. See, Memrise is driven by an algorithm. This algorithm works on a principle of spaced repetition –…

  • Korean notebooks for writing Chinese characters

    Korean notebooks for writing Chinese characters

    Korean notebooks for writing Chinese characters are probably one of the most uniquely Korean things, due to the special relationship between Hanja and Hangul. → Do you need to learn Hanja to know Korean I’ve always loved Korean stationery, even without realizing it’s Korean. And sometimes even without realizing what it’s for. When…

  • Fun learning – Korean calligraphy in gold

    Fun learning – Korean calligraphy in gold

    Learning a language, especially perhaps a language like Korean, can be disheartening at times. → How to learn Korean language For a while you feel like you are making progress. You put in a lot of effort, your vocabulary is slowly increasing, you finally grasp that one grammar rule that puzzled you for…

  • ‘Useful Chinese Characters for Learners of Korean’ textbook review

    ‘Useful Chinese Characters for Learners of Korean’ textbook review

    Useful Chinese Characters for Learners of Korean is Darakwon’s Korean textbook teaching Korean Chinese characters (also called Hanja). → Do you need to learn Hanja to be fluent in Korean. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. At no additional cost to you I get commissions for purchases made through…

  • Do you need to learn Hanja – Korean Chinese characters

    Do you need to learn Hanja – Korean Chinese characters

    Is it necessary to learn Hanja to be fluent in Korean? No. But here is why I am learning Hanja anyway: The story begins a thousand years BC… Just kidding. Well, that IS how far back the Chinese characters date, but I don’t need to go that far back to tell my story. My…

  • Korean online shopping sites with international shipping

    Korean online shopping sites with international shipping

    Trustworthy Korean online shopping sites are a lifeline for those who yearn for newest Korean fashion, cosmetics, clothes, or something a bit more traditional like Korean food, books, stationery and crafts – but don’t live in Korea or close to a Korean community. Since I’ve spent last four years struggling with…

  • How to change keyboard language in Windows 10 to Korean

    How to change keyboard language in Windows 10 to Korean

    Here is the simplest way to add Korean keyboard on Windows 10. (Click here to see how to enable Korean keyboard in older Windows) All you need is the keyboard you are already using and a device running Windows 10. You don’t need to buy any additional computer keyboards nor do…

  • Best Korean pronunciation books

    Best Korean pronunciation books

    After a few years of going through several textbooks I have made my list of the best Korean pronunciation books. Korean pronunciation is central in learning how to speak Korean language properly. No matter how well you know grammar and how many words you’ve memorized, if you can’t understand and…

  • How to learn Korean vocabulary faster

    How to learn Korean vocabulary faster

    Whether we love learning Korean language or are required to learn it without much consideration to our preference, we all want to do it quickly. After all, time is limited, but maybe even more important, at least when our confidence is concerned, are doubts that riddle us if we don’t…

  • Korean calligraphy

    Korean calligraphy

    Korean calligraphy is an art of writing Hangul and Hanja. Unlike Western calligraphy, which is written with a rigid instrument, traditional Korean calligraphy is created with a soft and flexible brush. With the characteristic strokes which change in broadness and speed, on a usually white sheet of paper, its general…

  • ‘K-POP Now!: The Korean Music Revolution’ book review

    ‘K-POP Now!: The Korean Music Revolution’ book review

    That K-pop is an unstoppable force is proved by the fact that I’m here, reviewing a book that covers it inside and out, despite (sort of) successfully navigating around it for the better part of last four years. Admittedly, being obsessed with Korea and remaining ignorant of K-pop is a…

  • ‘Elementary Korean’ textbook review

    ‘Elementary Korean’ textbook review

    I already mentioned I like trying out Korean textbooks in an endless search for one that suits me the best. You can imagine my pleasant surprise when publisher Tuttle offered to send two books pertaining to Korea for me to review – one of which was the Second Edition of ‘Elementary Korean’, a…

  • How to learn Korean vocabulary with Kpop (ft. INFINITE The Chaser)

    How to learn Korean vocabulary with Kpop (ft. INFINITE The Chaser)

    In the first part of how to learn Korean vocabulary, I gave tips on extracting and learning Korean words from sources that might be fun for you and showed how that extra bit of fun might aid your memory. And there is no denying that Korean export which millions of people…

  • 10 best ways to learn Korean vocabulary

    10 best ways to learn Korean vocabulary

    Learning even the basic vocabulary of Korean language can, and usually does, take years, so it makes sense to carefully choose which words to learn first. After all, what use is it that you know how to name all the bones in human body in Korean when you can’t even…

  • INFINITE “The Chaser” won; other results and what I’ll do with it

    INFINITE “The Chaser” won; other results and what I’ll do with it

    Favorite Kpop song poll that started a week ago has ended yesterday. INFINITE “The Chaser” won with a big lead, taking 42% of all the votes. More than 1100 people voted for it! I knew Kpop is popular, but I was really shocked by the turnout. Especially considering that I…

  • Which is your favorite Kpop song?

    Which is your favorite Kpop song?

    Next up in my list of articles about learning Korean language is one on learning Korean vocabulary. I have many tips I would like to share with you, and one of those is to use what interests you and what you are passionate about to introduce new Korean words into your…

  • Typing Hangul Part 3 – MoAKey the Android touchscreen Korean keyboard

    Typing Hangul Part 3 – MoAKey the Android touchscreen Korean keyboard

    Moakey is a Korean keyboard for touchscreen devices. If you are planning to download Korean keyboard for Android I recommend you try this one out. It is rather different, and more fun if I may say, than the usual kind of Korean (and Latin) keyboards where you hit the keys…

  • Where is Oegukeen?

    Where is Oegukeen?

    Those that follow this blog regularly might have noticed that it’s been quite a while since the last time I wrote anything. And they may think I have given up. Well, you won’t get rid of me that easily :) I didn’t get discouraged because of the breakup nor did…